Saturday, April 24, 2010

Fure & Fury: Rodes' Attack 1:30pm July 1, 1863 Part 3

2:00 pm. Doles' and O'Neal's brigades crash into the remnants of Amsberg's Federal brigade and 2 batteries (Digler's and Wheeler's). Federal fire as they approached was desultory at best, even with miscalculated cannister, they failed to eliminate even one stand while they themselves were Disordered.

The aftermath as Amsberg had fled the field. However, apparently due to being giddy at the ease of their success, both brigades were mishandled and refused to move from the spot. This allowed the Federals to turn their remaining three batteries on O'Neal and, along with the newly repositioned Paul's brigade, began to pour fire into their position. They were eventually reduced to 3 stands and retreated out of range, Spent and out of the game for all intents and purposes. (One of the Federal Batteries, Cooper's, was made from volunteers from nearby New Castle and Shenango Pennsylvania. In a remarkably similar circumstance, on July 1st, Cooper's battery also was originally deployed facing east and was forced to turn and bring fire to bear on Rodes' attack from the north.)

2:30pm. Iverson and Daniel launch an assault on Will's Woods. Daniel's brigade is Low Ammo and are better off giving them the pointy end. The Federals, Baxter and Cutler are both Exceptional leaders and they are advantaged with good defensive terrain in the form of stone walls.

Daniel's Brigade swarms over the wall and into the sparse woods on McPherson's Ridge in an effort to drive the blue bellies back into town.

Daniel's did indeed push back Cutler and carried the position but Iverson is repulsed! They have retreated through Ramseur and will hopefully provide support when the next attack is launched!

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